Anatomy of a Hologram Setup

Triangle solver tool

Triangles hide unused locked except …

Appraisal of three very early Yuri Denisyuk hologram tests

2017 Appraisal by Jody Burns of 12 historic Conductron and McDonnell Douglas holograms made 1969-1972

Testing Cobolt Flamenco 660nm laser to make optical holograms using legacy old Agfa, Ilford and HRT silver halide plates, 2022

Recording Denisyuk holograms on BB520 plates with John Wagner, Feb 28-Mar.2, 2020

Six press articles and one course flyer about holography in NYC in 1975. four of the articles are press articles about Holography ’75: The First Decade at the International Center of Photography (ICP), curated by Jody Burns.

Catalog for “Picture This”, first NYC Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) exhibition of art holography, February 4, 1977 (hologram portion curated by Joseph (Jody) Burns)

Review from Vancouver Sun of a holography exhibition & mentioning one of my first holograms, LUNA.

Holography ’75: The First Decade, exhibition list, 1975

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June 2018 report of November 2017 Jody Burns meeting in Quebec City with MAC about her holograms.

Selections from Dieter Jung 1984 museum exhibition catalog relating to collaboration with Jody Burns

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Photoresist selection, recording, plating, and embossing methods used for mass-replication of large-format embossed holograms.

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Review of Eight Louise Bourgeois/Matt Schreiber holograms, Jan. 2017

Selected Ruben Nunez 1978 museum exhibition catalog pages relating to collaboration with Jody Burns

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Agam Brochure for Holograph 1, by Yaacov Agam and Jody Burns

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